Monday, July 30, 2007

Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology is the modern name for an ancient system of astrology known in Sanskrit as "Jyotish" - "Jyoti" being light and "isha" being lord. Jyotish thus translates into "the Lord of Light" or "the Knowledge of Light". Modern science now confirms that all matter/physical universe is based upon light and its interplays which would make Jyotish "the science of light". Vedic Astrology is a science dating back to more than 5000 years. Its earliest origins can however be traced back to the beginning of the manifest Universe. It passed down through the ages as an orally transmitted knowledge and formed an important part of the RelationshipsVedas, one of the prime manuscripts containing the spiritual tradition of India. Vedic Scriptu View the rest of this article

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