Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Explosive Anger Disorder (EDA)

Explosive Anger Disorder! (EAD) This is a "new" label in the lexicon of the psychologists and psychiatrists. (You should know that most such labels are made up in order to get paid by insurance companies, and have no relation to real diagnosis.) It's for an old problem that has been around for many decades. The funny thing is that most doctors have refused to recognize it, or the cause, and most still don't.
The official party line of the American Medical Assn is that if there is no diabetes (measurable sugar affect), then there's no sugar problem. As is often the case, they're WRONG! The problem is virtually always a sugar problem.
Hypoglycemia is a medical term for "low blood sugar". The brain requires large amounts of glucose and oxygen for fuel. When it g View the rest of this article

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