Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A New Years Resolution To Stop Smoking ? How To Keep To It Beyond Jan 2nd?

So, here you are again. Seeing out the old year, along with its broken promises and failed, good intentions.
You arrive, fresh with newly found conviction, after the excesses of the Christmas period, at the New Year?s resolution, an annual triumph of hope over reality!
Hope, that this time you will have the single mindedness to succeed, where last time you failed. I?m not suggesting for a moment that you do not want to succeed, I?m sure that your desire to stop smoking is genuine, but here?s the reality, it?s a hope, a dream and what?s the point in having dreams if you?re not going to make them happen?
You may dream of winning the lottery and yes, you could win! But it?s down to chance and you have a better chance of flying to the moon, than of winning th View the rest of this article

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