Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Wonderful, Magickal, Mustika-Pearls Part 1

Freaks and anomalies are found abound in Nature and her creations--if we would just look for them. "Mustikas" or "Magickal Pearls" having their origin in animals and plants are just some of Nature's curiosities hardly known or mentioned in the literature of the Occident, accept perhaps in faerie tales. It is different in the East, however. Pearls, other than those originating from oysters are mentioned in the Hindu scripture, "Sri Garuda Purana," where it explains the powers of several types of pearls derived from mammals, reptiles and even the natural conditions or specific events of Nature. In Indonesia, legends are found in which brave men died searching for these pearls--and when acquired they are treasured and valued as high as other family heirloom items such a View the rest of this article

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