Friday, November 16, 2007

Fire Fighter Training - When Bad Things Happen to Good Process

One moment I'm rehearsing and preparing for a teleclass where I was the guest expert.

The next minute, my computer screen goes black. The computer starts making a weird beeping noise and all I've got are blinking lights and characters that don't make any sense.

I frantically push buttons as I realize I'm supposed to "go on" in 10 minutes. Not only have I lost my script, but the call-in number to the teleclass and the contact number for the person running the class are locked in the depths of my now useless computer. AAGGGGHHH.

Sometimes even the best laid plans can unexpectedly blow up in your face and birth a crisis. People make mistakes, technology breaks down, "Stuff" Happens. We've all been there w View the rest of this article

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