Thursday, November 15, 2007

New Technology For Immediately Refreshing Your Appearance

Ladies all know that no matter how much makeup we wear of how carefully and strategically we apply it before we leave the house, often times it's almost gone by the time we get to the office. And, we might as well forget about it by lunch or quitting time.
Traditionally our midday and end-of-day touch-ups were part of our daily routine. But, now, according to experts, instead of women sneaking off into the washroom for a quick (facial) pick-me-up, they are sneaking instead into the spa or doctor?s office.
It's all part of the latest trend of non-invasive mini-facelifts, wrinkle elimination and waistline reduction procedures commonly referred to a "lunchtime plastic surgeries".
And, experts assert that lots of patients want immediate and measurable results View the rest of this article

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