Saturday, January 5, 2008

Homeschooling - Is It Worth It?

Suppose that you rearrange your life to homeschool your child
and the experiment fails? You may feel that you've disrupted
your life and wasted a year of your child's time. Your child
may even be kept back a grade by the local public school.
The answer to this concern is, can you risk not trying? Isn't
your child's future worth the risk? If you see that your child
is getting a bad education in public school, the worst thing to
do is nothing. Then there is no chance of improvement. If you
leave your children in public school, chances are great that
their ability to read, self-esteem, and love of learning may be
damaged, and they can waste twelve years of their lives. Look at
the potential consequences to your child if you do View the rest of this article

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