Sunday, November 11, 2007

It's Good Enough For Warren Buffet

I have written an article or two about precious metals with very weak reception. I did not think it would be a huge reception but I thought there would be more interest. Precious metals are not understood by many people. I got into precious metals, more specifically silver, about 3 years ago. I have moved some of my investments in my IRA from more traditional investments to silver. My financial advisor was hesitant when I first discussed it with him. I know he did not agree with my move. I also know he makes no money from the move so it does not benefit him at all. This is probably a large part of the reason why he didn?t agree.
I have recently left my job and I will be transferring my money from that 401K program to my IRA. I will be spreading it out over the pr View the rest of this article

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