Friday, January 4, 2008

Hemorrhoids Symptoms And Preventive Measures.

Hemorrhoids is a "shamed" from the standard point of view illness, still is one of the most widespread. 40% of references to doctors concerning intestines are connected to hemorrhoids. Proctologists consider, that 70% of people sooner or later face hemorrhoids symptoms. And if you sit before a computer all days long, the probability to catch hemorrhoids is greater.
What is hemorrhoids? Hemroidal units are in an organism of each person. They are the crimps of a mucous membrane of an anal channel. In addition to muscles?s action they provide deduction of feces. When in rest hemroidal units participate in blocking of anal channel of intestines. At defecation the pimples should smooth out to prevent the passage of feces. Stagnation of venous blood and an excessive ex View the rest of this article

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