Saturday, September 8, 2007

Who You Are Is Already Free Of All Of This Stuff by Elysha

Transcendence of the very activity that keeps you so utterly bound up by its resistance and informancy of this mindbody that you find yourself so intimately involved with, is freely available to you right now. You are not bound to carry on trying to be who you think you are any more, if you so wish to truly stand free of this imprisonment; you need no longer continue suffering what you are currently suffering on a daily and momentary basis because of the limitation of the unconscious activity of you having to pay the price of the sacrifice that was demanded of you to be here at the physical level of incarnation; you no longer have to be veiled from the seeing and being of the magnitude of this "you" of you that is already true of you - after all, it is who you are an View the rest of this article

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