Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Joint Venture Proposals

What is a Joint Venture? In internet marketing terms, a joint venture is where a product owner and a list owner agree to work together for their mutual benefit. My clients are all product developers, and so am I, so this will be written from that point of view. Why Joint Venture? “Joint Venture” is the answer to the question, “I’ve finished my e-book, what do I do now? You need to create a relationship with someone who has a list of people that they can offer your product to. More specifically, you’re looking for people who already market products like yours to their list. It needs to be a good “fit.” The question you need to answer is “What’s in it for me.” That’s the question that will be on the top of your potential JV partner’s mind. They View the rest of this article

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