Monday, July 30, 2007

The Fungus Among Us: Different Types of Yeast Infections

Until recently, I thought that because I was a fairly healthy young guy that the words “yeast infection” had absolutely nothing to do with me. I was like so many others in that I just assumed it was a woman thing. Then I went to my doctor for a routine checkup. While I was being examined, the doc happened to look down at my bare feet and gave me a raised eyebrow. He told me to lift up my feet and let him take a look. For years now, I’ve thought that my rough itchy feet was just a result of too much manual labor and that they were calloused like my hands. Then the doctor informed me that I had Candidiasis on my feet. After seeing my puzzled look he gave it to me in layman’s terms; I had a yeast infection. My bewilderment and confusion was immediate as I though View the rest of this article

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