Friday, July 20, 2007

Tips On How To Apply For Personal Loans

Tips On How To Apply For Personal Loans If you have fair, bad or no credit, it is almost impossible to apply and get approved for a major credit card, personal loan or business loan. There are a number of easy ways to build and restore your credit history. Your First Step Look for programs that can help you to rebuild your credit. There are a number of small banks that will offer you a secured major credit card that would require you to deposit about $200.00 into there bank. Secured Credit Cards Use there card, pay on-time and after 6 month they will return your security deposit and offer you a unsecured credit card with a credit line of up to $2,000. They will also report your on-time payments to the credit reporting agencies. This will go a long way in rebuilding y View the rest of this article

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