Monday, October 15, 2007

Approaching a Woman: How Your Friends and Her Friends Fit In

Picture a perfect pick-up that happens in the movies. A beautiful woman is sitting at the bar by herself, sipping a cosmopolitan. She’s all dolled up and wearing a glamorous outfit. Out of nowhere, a charming man comes up and sits next to her, striking up a conversation. Time passes, and without any distraction or interruption, they go home together. Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever seen this happen? Not very likely. There are two important parts of a night out that this popular movie scene leaves out: her friends and your friends. While it is fine to go out solo, most of the time you will either have a wingman out with you, or be out with other friends that you came with. At the same time the girl you’re interested in most likely did not come alone. View the rest of this article

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