Friday, August 24, 2007

Top 10 Ways on How to Catch a Cheating Husband

Cheating husbands leave many signs and with a bit of detective work, a wife can catch her husband with sold proof. Many wives make the mistake of hiring an expensive detective or purchasing pricey spy equipment. However, if you are aware of some of the signs of a cheating husband and know your husband’s behavior and habits well, you simply need to follow your gut instinct and employ some of the top 10 ways of how to catch a cheating husband. Most of all, be patient. Give yourself 3-4 weeks of spying time.

Pay close attention to small details and use all your senses so you don’t miss a sign of a cheating husband. Make sure you keep a log book of descriptions, dates and times of all the clues you discover. If you find a clue, make a copy of it if p View the rest of this article

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