Saturday, August 11, 2007

Hemorrhoids and Constipation Relief

If you have hemorrhoids, then mostly likely you are constipated. Here is what you can do to have a quicker bowel movement. When go into the bathroom, go in there to have a bowel movement. Don't take a newspaper to read because that keeps you in there longer. Sitting on the toilet puts pressure on your rectum and anal veins and eventually leads to hemorrhoids or aggravates the hemorrhoids you already have. So, you don't want to sit there longer than necessary. Start taking and using some of the constipation remedies listed in other newsletters and you will be having an easier time when you go to have a bowel movement. I have updated my hemorrhoid e-book to include constipation remedies so that you have easy and quick bowel movement. Any straining you do is considered View the rest of this article

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